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hey yall i just downloaded the game today and have been paying it for an hour or two ive reached like at the end of 2.3 but im stuck..the last thing i remember is taklking about destroying ceceile and erins date with sera i looked for guides but there are none what do i do i tried everything i even maxed out the second phase of the curse with ceceil hoping the story contuineus but it wont its just stuck at 200000/200000 and we dont talk after the training.. idk what to do

Probably need to do the Lavinia content in the afternoon (reading book, dates)

Just got back up to this point and can confidently say we need more stomach bulge Vi content

Do you plan on having a mobile port of the game?


Yes, when I get time to work on technical side. At the moment all of my time is spend on content generation.

Can you make a adnroid ver for the game? I used to play this game on my lap and now is broken so i download joiplay to run it and it not running well, broken of bug with stuff. Your game's very good! All the words is full with passion and horny as fuck. I hope you can make an android ver soon.

I will in the future.
You can play the game on old joiplay versions (Maybe 1.01.400). You need to set "Use legacy version" on. This option was removed in new joiplay versions for some reason.

Absolute amazing game, need more minigames scenes.

(6 edits) (+1)

Dude, you're amazing. But please, if you read this, read until the end, I know it's so much text but please hear my opinion and I really have one important question. This game is awesome, the best h game I've played. Now I can't enjoy other games as much because of you.

May I have a question...? How many months to update the game now? Well, the moment i saw this game i knew it was going to be good, but I think i underestimated you. 

I'd love to discuss updates and improvements to the game, even if I think it's perfect as it is. One more question, who will get the priority in the storyline with the duel? Sera or Cecille? After I finished everything about Sera, it seemed as if there would be a duel at the same moment or the next day. But after seeing Cecille ending of the update, i kept asking myself which one of the events will take priority. 

Just so you know, created an account just to post this. Never did that for any game.


I really thought something was missing, and I don't know if you plan to put romance in your game, but Cecille final scene of the update lacked romance. It annoys me because it was the perfect moment for that, and I'm a romance lover. As I said, I don't know if you plan to put romance in the game, if not, then it's okay. After being so broken and crying a lot to Mars, results of one week without Mars and such a cruelty with a "happy" couple that she just killed, it was a big moment to show us romance.

Just imagine how funny it could be too, after the Cecille confession and Mars revelation that he is a demon, he would try to calm her down so her normal form would be back and she would stop crying a bit and be more rational, and of course, understand that he indeed is a demon and not be so surprised anymore after her breakdown. After that they both go to bed and Mars tease her with a lot of love words and all, like saying he wants to marry her and live forever with her. If he really mean that, it's up to you. Cecille would be so embarassed and blushing so hard that she would look away from Mars with so much shame. And of course, the cherry on the top would be Mars leave her side and get on her, staring her and say something like "I love you"? Idk. The funny thing about that is that she would cum so hard of hearing that as she was experiencing love for the first time, right? This would be wholesome and of course, it would warm the heart of anyone that play this part. And I think Cecille really needs something like that, to her mental health. I'm worried what she might do in the game if you continue to do her like that... Maybe Mars can control her with love, no? So she wouldn't be this evil like when she killed the demon and his wife.

Yeah, i got carried away I know. But I'm such a romance enjoyer, I can't control myself.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind! 

Outta curiosity, is the story linear or will it branch?


It's linear at the start, where we are in the story it's semi-linear.
I want to make the entire game semi-linear eventually, branching is great but it doubles or triples the amount of development time. 

Yeah I understand the grind, still, I'm glad there will be a bit of variety. 

Could we get an android version?


hey Nitrolith, 

i'm sincerely in love with your game, its the best i played since a long time and it became an obsesion for me to play your game when a new update come so thanks a lot. 

Your work, your story and your visuals are just on point, i freaking love all of them !!

For the futur id love to sissyfy Erin and fuck him, because he deserve it first of all, and because he his cute :3

Thanks to continue your game because it is an awesome game and i'm happy that you realesed a new update, now excuse me i have some quality time have with your new update


Thank you for the encouragement, I'll do my best!

Erin will get H content, that was planned from the start


Hey sorry for commenting to ask this again, but is there/will there be a way to avoid femdom stuff regarding Erin but still be able to progress Lavinia's story? Sorry if I'm simply forgetting that it was a choice. I'm not particularly big on femdom stuff so I wanted to know. It won't ruin the game for me per se I'm just not into it. Additionally, would you ever think about adding a route for Iris where you avoid femdomming the boyfriend since she goes on and on about rape?

Thank you for making this game - developing it alone must be hard and I must say you've done excellent work on it. I agree with other commentors here in that the story you've built is incredibly interesting that it keeps me around just as much as the sexual content does. All very well made and a story well told. Cheers!

(1 edit) (+1)

First off, thanks for the encouragement. Means a lot to me!

Yeah, so far erin femdom events are optional. So you won't be missing much.
Although for people who went through all of the events or the ceci Erin events. I want to provide the option for Erin to surrender, rather than go through the duel.

As for an alternate Iris story... I want to do it, but I'll have to judge if I have time when I do an update with the newly introduced NPCs.


Hey! No worries, you deserve all of the encouragement. I appreciate a good story and those who write it because I'd like to be a writer myself one day.

I'm glad to hear that the femdom stuff will be optional. For clarification, can I not achieve the surrender route if I DO NOT do the femdom content? It's fine if not I'll just bitch slap the mf infront of his mother like a drunken father.

As for the Iris content, that's fine. I don't expect that stuff to be added anytime soon as long as you still have the main content to finish. Priorities, y'know? Thanks for the quick response mate!

I'm thinking of having the surrender option be available if you do the femdom events or Erin's events with Ceci.
So basically he'll think of surrendering if he's femdom'd or if Mars was nice to him during the Ceci events. 

Makes the most sense to me.

I see...  Very cool! Thank you so much for considering those who don't enjoy the femdom or femboy fetish. My first run will probably be getting him to surrender because why not.

Once again good luck with the development and while I know this is probably obvious, don't stress yourself too much over getting updates out. You can't rush quality, let alone perfection! Take some time for yourself too. 

Thank you, really appreciate that!  :D

(1 edit)

Hi, really enojoyed the game and the plot, but I feel kinda nervous about some plot twists. I'd love to support your work, but can't at the moment.
I enjoy playing games, where I can imagine some romanticly good ending, but I don't know, if it's in your plans to do so. I would absolutely understand if you don't plan on any strictly good endings, but I'd appreciate if you could share some spoiler-friendly thoughts about story.

If you don't feel comfortable sharing this information, then it's all good and ok! 

Hmm, that depends, what do you consider a happy conclusion for the story? 

(4 edits)

something like everyone is alive and somewhat happy (or at least accepted their situation and found their happiness in it) (also if Goddess and Hellele stepped down from overseeing the world for one reason or another, but that would be too good to be true)

honestly, I would love something like a big harem ending, but that could look kind of strange, especially with all those women who had intercourse with Mars.

also I want to say thank you for communicating with your community, that's very cool

and one more thing, last scene with Cecille in this update was phenomenal, I just can't express this enough, it was amazing.


Thank you, very happy you enjoyed it!
There is a harem ending which I think most people will be aiming for. I think it's quite happy. 

Hope you also plan on selling the OST when the game is finished


Made an account to commend this: 

Ive played a lot of free nsfw games and this is one that ive actually genuinely enjoyed beyond the horny. I mean, the horny itself is amazing, the artist(s?) has(/have) done an incredible job, some of the best content out there on the free market, probably even the best imo. 

The characters i think are very well written, at least in comparison to all other nsfw games ive played. First time ive engaged with the story and read through multiple paragraphs to get to the horny because i actually enjoy the characters and the writing, I am invested in the story. Im sure this is more commonplace in paid games but in these free games i find it very rare to have such a good balance of horny as well as interesting story. 

That story i think is decently fleshed out in the main story (i havnt gotten to the end just yet, im at Elena arriving). Its long enough that ive spent a good 18 hours playing already and havnt gotten bored and its still going. 

The side quests arent as fleshed out and generally come down to talking to someone enough times until you sex them but i find the writing interesting enough that it was still fun. There is definitely lots of side content missing outside the main story and once you sex the 2 or 3 characters then you are done and basically just spam click the time skip to get to the night events. This is a free game though so i really cant complain at all, i do hope it gets fleshed out eventually though cause i think right now the town is a bit barren. 

Some fetishes are necessary to watch to progress the story and i would prefer if there was an option to skip some but in general they are tame enough and you can skip them pretty quickly. 

Anyway, i was just compelled to praise the studio behind this and i hope they continue to make good shit and update the game, will definitely be heading over to patreon to show some love. 


Thank you, appreciate the encouragement!

There is no studio, it's just me 
I have a guy helping me with music though.


I'm kinda interested with the Erin's story but i would like to "transform" him into a female, like Cecille shapeshifting but permanent or in some situations to have both things

The option to turn him fully female will only open up after Mars and Erin's duel.

I was stuck after Mars take Sera and kiss her right in front of Erin and told them that they are married, and Cecille inspired Erin to teach Mars a lesson and fight him, after that I dont see any progress or there's no progress about them fighting or somethin... why is that?

I've explained on my patreon how the story works but maybe I didn't mention it here on itch.
After Mars comes back with Elena and player regains control.
You'll be able to play through Sera, Ceci and Elena content however you want.
But if you reach the end scene with one of them, it will advance the story to the Mars x Erin duel.
This part is not done yet, Sera and Ceci content is available in the latest update. 
Next update is Elena's and after that the duel. 
If you want to play through Ceci's content, check my latest devblog post.

I guess Cecille will be the new goddess and Mars as the demon god  that will bring balance to the world jk but i hope so

(1 edit)

In the new update, in the maid training scene where Mars tells Cecille he's proud of her and the other Cecille appears, it's kind of hard to tell which one is speaking. There should be some visual differentiator like changing the color of her name, or putting a question mark after her name to show that it's not really her.

(1 edit)

you mean iris? lol

No i mean in the scene when Mars says to  Cecille he's proud of her and then she goes off and has an inner monologue. That is represented as two Cecille's talking to each other, but it's tough to tell which one is saying what.

Idk what are you saying.

To me there is only one Cecille.

the former hero is gay that was a jump scare 



After Cecille's curse re-emerges, and after Mars leaves hickeys all over her, he says he going to check how wet she is, but nothing happens? I've tried clicking hundreds of times, but all I'm getting is the screen shaking and flickering. I assume it's some sort of bugged minigame or something like that?

Ok, I'm supposed to HOLD... That isn't very obvious, considering this interaction isn't used anywhere else, nor is it explained.

There is a message that's supposed to tell you to hold. But for some players it doesn't show for some reason...


the relationship of Vi and mars are so good at first I want to be horny but now I just feel sad and want a happy ending for them I don't want to be horny no more I just want to be happy 😢

when is the new update?

It's out

(1 edit) (+1)

 when is the next update going to be released we would like to know thank  you 


It's out


yvet u will be mine


I know it's very unlikely, but I will ask anyway

Will there be an Android version in future?

Now a more likely question,

Will you post it on Steam? I like having my games in library. Either way I will buy the game, I really liked it

When I try to open the game on Joiplay this error keeps showing up


Will there be plans for Android version?


first of all i just have to say its insane how much content is in this game, and not in a bad way. I have never seen a hentai game with this much depth and content, most are either just really drawn out or really short but this one feels like an actual game/ visual novel. i look forward to seeing more.

as far as questions so far i just dont know where the prosthetic arm is because i have unlocked the store but the arm still isnt there so i dont know if its not yet implemented or if i just havent gotten far enough yet.


Will I be able to customise the appearance of the characters in the future such as skin colour and faces maybe (at anytime)?

Also can't wait for an android version!

I haven't played it yet but I hope someone will tell me if these are  already in the game/when they are


In the part where you talk to "Ivet", an error occurs and closes the game (it only happens with the "talk" option).

(1 edit) (+6)

Hey, just letting you know the downloads don't work with the desktop app, which means people can't add the game to their library or have automatically update it. No install options are available. Based on what I'm seeing from other games that don't have this problem, you have to set platform types for the downloads, designating the pc zip as being able to run on windows and the mac zip as being able to run on mac - otherwise it won't be an option for install.

Here's a comparison to show what I mean:


Thank you, I think I fixed it now.
Appreciate the heads-up! : D

Im after reaching the part where the demon king wants to meet elena but cant figure out how to progress from there, is there more to do or is that the end of the content.

I think that’s the end for now 

I cant do anything here


I just finished Iris' path (thanks to a comment below who suggested resetting her after Elena, that fixed her not having any further dialogue).

I think in regards to a 'fork' in her storyline, you should be able to just outright take her without turning her boyfriend into a cuck, since she always talks about how she thinks you'll take her by force.

(2 edits) (+1)

Cant believe i sunk 20 hours into this and still wanted more. I love the slow burn of everyone becoming a worse version of themselves without just becoming devoid of their original selves. There are times when i was bored of the minigames just because i wanted to get back to the story, Super excited for more

edit because i just remembered: Honestly my biggest gripe is the fact that the writing leads me to think that the hymen is written like its a freshness seal when it does come up. luckily it only comes up once and isnt brought up later when that character actually gets fucked, maybe its just me but i get taken out of the story when people write about it  like that


Yeah, the concept of the hymen most of humanity has is clear evidence why sex education is desperately needed everywhere. Really glad to see someone pointing it out.

game is so good and fun can't wait for the missing content and mini games to be finished. also really hope the hero gets some scenes with mars as well

(2 edits)

Any idea how to get the demon king to meet elena, whenever i get the cutscene saying he wants to mars just says he need to think about it for a while and i cant figure out what to do

probably from a version i havent played yet. but a lot of things like that in this game you probably just gotta keep moving the story to get to or its not in the game yet

How much Iris content is there in the game? I'm at a point where clicking on her does nothing, just a second of black screen. Did I do something wrong dialogue-wise or is there just nothing past that point with her?

(1 edit) (+2)

Talk to Vi and use cheats to reset her, it seems the creator is aware of the issue. you cant actually access her content until later (for me it was after elena)

guys who is Helelle i cant find that 

Helelle is the origin of demons

Anyone know if there's anything more to do with Iris? I got the first cutscene with her and exhausted all questions - there's no option in the Questions tab.


Please, from the bottom of my heart, please make a direct port to android. I can't download Joiplay from the appstore, as it was "made for a version older than mine", and I can't use the apk file or anything, for basically the same reason. I've followed and wanted to play this game for months, yet I can't. That's all, and I hope an android port is either being made currently, or it gets made. 


At least make it possible to turn erin into a femboy or just full on genderbend him hes a nice dude tbh

Emmmm you can turn Erin into a girl/femboy if you want to

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